Saturday, March 30, 2013

Teaching perspective inventory test and my interpretation

Blog Task.3

After I have  completed  my teaching perspective inventory test from the website mentioned  in my course work , I got almost good result, what I have expected  from the  five perspectives of teachings, which  are 1) Transmission, 2)Apprenticeship, 3) Developmental ,4) Nurturing, and  5) Social Reform . My overall score level key is moderately held! Any how I could not reveal my score directly. According to my result my total score of “Belief” and “Action” are even and Mu “Intention” score is very little different. So I believe that as a teacher I go in a systematical way to feed my students.

             As I agree effective teaching requires a substantial commitment to the content or subject matter. A teacher should be very perfect in his subject wise. A perfect teacher takes his students in a systematical approach in all his activities of teaching and learning process, and should give very clear object of the content or subject matter by leading them in correct way of subject area and asking questioning them in order to evaluate their achievements and give proper feedback, motivate them in the week area of the particular subject and setting them in high level achievement of the goal. Regarding the dimension “Transmission”  my score of intention is lower than Belief and Action’s score, but any how my Action is very high and it is enough, because everything can be justified after the action done, not only for intention.

            “Apprenticeship” on this perspective tool I have scored overlay higher than other perspective tools also my “Belief” and “Actions” are same but my “Intention” is differed by one mark low. So what I agree on this tool my level of “Apprenticeship” and “Transmission are even in both perspectives.

            The third perspective inventory is the “Developmental” it talks about teaching must be planned and conducted "from the learner's point of view." It totally related with development of the learners skill, ability of thinking, over come from problems, and challenges, and adapt their level and assist them on the right way of developmental. On this way the teacher should be well equipped. What I scored in this perspective is very different from other perspectives. I scored only 6 marks in my Belief, and Action and intention are even. So I have to improve actively in Belief.


          Nurturing is the forth perspective inventory of teaching, it is totally related to hard work , motivation, self confidence, trust, caring, challenging, self esteem and effort, a good teacher should be very closer with their students in all the way of teaching learning process take part. Especially a effective teacher should motivate his students when they fall on a issues or problems to overcome and resolve the problems, and should give efficient feedback on their achievements and summaries their work. In this dimension   my Belief is stronger than Intention and my Intention is stronger than my Action according to my result in this sector. So what I agree I have to increase my Action level as it is the final measurement of  outcome what teacher  is doing when he teach.   

          The last tool of perspective is Social Reform it talks totally about society which is important for the objective of the learning and teaching processes. I never think a without an individual change we can’t change our society, so a teacher can change a society, a teacher is a social reformer. On this task I have scored higher than other perspective also my Intention is higher than other Belief and Action, so agree that I have to develop my Belief and Action on this task.     

My Own Teaching Philosopy

(Blog Task: 2, Due Date 23rd March 2013.)
            Learning is an important task of human being; teachers are the human makers, while schools are the learning factory of the human and learning pathway of the learners. The students are the product of the school- factory; a factory can produce a particular product in good condition but a school can produce various professionals such as a doctor, Engineer, scientist and many more. Hence the teaching and learning is very important process in the human life. So systematic approach should be take part in learning process. The approaches are known as “Learning Theories”.
Why learning theories are important in my own practice?
The Learning Theories are allowing the learners to have systematic approach in the learning process. A teacher who has enough knowledge in Learning Theories; easily he can identify the strength and weak of his students and take proper attention of  individual student of particular area of learning, and It is interesting to think about individual differences, problems, and difficulties among learner face; and guide them in to right way and give the work  in different ways according to the learner’s flexibilities by giving activities that have variety and interest for all the learners in educational programs.
            Cognitive theory is mental ability of connecting new knowledge, concept and understanding, with prior knowledge of psychology that attempts to explain human behavior by understanding the thought processes also known as “Assimilation” is when the child has seen something before and applies to the current situation the cognition will be increase accordance with growth of the human. The theorist is Jean Piaget (1896 - 1980)
            Behavioral learning theory is a part of behaviorism, a study of the behavior of a human or an animal reacting to something in the environment and react their behaviors. The reaction is termed the "response," and the thing causing the reaction is the "stimulus". The "response," allow the people to learn faster than comparing with other learners. The one of famous theorist is B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)
           Constructive theories of learning are also a commonly used method in teaching. Salvin (2003) explained that the main essence of this theory is the idea that learners must individually discover and transform complex information, if they are to make it their own. According to him, this theory sees learners as constantly checking new information against old rules and then revising rules when they no longer work. It typically make extensive use of corporative learning, on the theory students will more easily discover and comprehend difficult concepts if they can talk each other about the problems. Discovery learning is also a vital component in constructive approach. In discovery learning, students are encouraged to learn largely on their own through active involvement with concepts and principles. Teachers help them to discover things on their own selves.
            Social learning theory is observation in learning and non observable cognitive process such as thinking and knowing. It occurs through reinforcement and imitation of high status models and involves paying attention, retaining information or impressions, producing behaviors and repeating behaviors through reinforcement or motivation.
Robert E.Salvin (2003) Educational Psychology, theory and practice, Allyn and Bacon; United States of America.
Dasen, P. (1994). Culture and cognitive development from a Piagetian perspective. In W .J. Lonner & R.S. Malpass (Eds.), Psychology and Culture. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Cognitive theory

                                                      Jean Piaget  (1896-1980)
                Cognitive theory is mental ability of connecting new knowledge, concept and understanding, with prior knowledge of psychology that attempts to explain human behavior by understanding the thought processes also known as “Assimilation” is when the child has seen something before and applies to the current situation the cognition will be increase accordance with the growth of the human.
            The theorist is Jean Piaget (1896 - 1980). Woolfolk (1998) explained that the cognitive view of learning can be best described as a generally agreed upon philosophical orientation. This means that cognitive theories share basic notions about learning and memory. John and David (1993) said that there are three stages in learning and each located in a separate memory system. They are the sensory register (selective attention), working memory (thinking) and long term memory (storage and recall). They explained that in sensory register, such as the first stage in learning, all sensory impressions are retained for a period lasting up to one second, depending on several factors such as the strength of stimulus. Information that a person perceives and pays attention to its transferred to the second component of the memory system is the short term memory. Slavin (2003 ) It is a memory that hold a limited amount of information for a few seconds. In other words it is the part of memory in which information that is currently being thought about is stored. Long term memory is that part of our memory system where we keep information for long period of time.

            Salvin (2003) said in his book that it is thought to be a very large capacity, very long term memory store. Human memory has two channels for processing information: visual and auditory but human memory has very limited capacity for processing information, learning occurs by active processing in the memory system and new knowledge and skills must be retrieved from long-term memory for transfer to the task. 

Anita E.Woolfolk (1998)., Educational Psychology (7th edition), Library of Congress Catalogue in Publication Data; United Sates of America.